About Flex Nutritional Solutions
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it. – A. Einstein. Albert Einstein, one of the wisest men of the past century, was a well-known pet lover. Owning an animal can be stressful to say the least. Keeping them healthy can have its challenges, whether you’re talking about a pet, production, show or work animal. Einstein would probably agree that curing an ailment (treatment) or avoiding an ailment (prevention) with his animals came with a cost, and as an owner you have to decide which direction is the most beneficial approach to take for your own situation.
Wende, Wes and I, want to report on a product we offer that is unique In the fact that it can be used for both prevention and treatment of stress related ailments that your animal(s) may encounter, no matter what you’re budget. Claims on eliminating stress gives me stress as stress can’t be eliminated but it can be controlled.
In the case with animals they can encounter three types.
1.) Physical – due to fatigue or injury
2.) Physiological – due to hunger, thirst or temperature control
3.) Behavioral – due to the environment, unfamiliar people or surroundings.
“FLEX APPEAL” a product made for Flex Nutrition LLC has proven to be effective at maintaining “homeostasis” or the natural resistance to change in optimal conditions. You may know this as an animal’s “life balance” or “steady state” or normal’ in its natural environment. It can be used on all types of animals including dogs, cats, cows, chickens, goats, sheep, hogs, and horses. And as with all Flex Nutrition products,” Flex Appeal” uses all natural ingredients in keeping with the “all natural” mission we have.
Just like people, all animals will encounter one or all of the stressors mentioned and “Flex Appeal” works incredibly fast in keeping or returning your animal(s) health to normal, which makes owning an animal more fun and less stressful.
“Get ‘Em to the Winners Circle with Flex Appeal.”

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